Which bulbs should be soaked before planting?
For some flower bulbs, it's beneficial to soak them in water before planting. Specifically, anemone and ranunculus bulbs should be soaked in water before planting. This process ensures the bulbs swell and start rooting faster once in the ground, leading to better growth.
How Long Should You Soak the Bulbs?
Ranunculus and anemone bulbs should be soaked in a container of lukewarm water for at least 3-4 hours, or even overnight before planting. Plain, lukewarm rainwater is also particularly suitable for this purpose.
What About Dahlia Bulbs?
Dahlia bulbs can sometimes appear dried out on the outside, but the bulb itself rarely dries out completely. If dahlias look dry when planting, handle them carefully to avoid damaging or breaking the roots. After planting, water the bulb generously and ensure the soil remains moist during the first week. This is crucial for a good start. Dahlia bulbs do not need to be soaked in water before planting. In fact, soaking them can cause them to absorb too much water and break during planting.
Should Other Bulbs Be Soaked Before Planting?
No! Most bulbs should not be soaked in water before planting. For example, tulips, hyacinths, alliums, or crocuses should never be soaked in water. Bulbs should always be stored dry and cool. Excess moisture can cause bulbs to mold and fail to sprout. You can plant these bulbs directly in the ground without any pre-treatment.