Flowering and growth height
8 - 12 inch
Plant depth
4 - 6 inch
Planting distance
4 - 4.7 inch
Attracting bees and butterflies
Suitable for pots and planters
Deer and rodent resistant
Suitable as cut flower

Hyacinth Pink Pearl (Hyacinthus orientalis Pink Pearl) is a well-known and fragrant oriental hyacinth in a candy pink colour. It’s a beautiful hyacinth with a very sturdy stem full of flowers that grow up to the size 16 (bulb perimeter 16 cm). This size is ideal for being planted in the pots. However, larger flower sizes than this tend to get too heavy and fall over. Hyacinths love fertile soil and look very beautiful in your garden! They bloom in April. If you plant enough of them in your garden, you can also cut them and put them in a vase with other spring flowers.

  • Flowering period
  • Planting period

Attracting bees and butterflies Yes
Bulb/tuber size 16/17
Bulb type Hyacinthus
Deer and rodent resistant Yes
Delivered as Flower bulb or tuber
Flower colour Pink
Flowering and growth height 8 - 12 inch
Flowering period April, May
Hardiness zone 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Hardy Yes
Naturalising No
Number per m2 60
Per package 5
Place / Planting position Partial shade, Sun
Plant depth 4 - 6 inch
Planting distance 4 - 4.7 inch
Scented Yes
Suitable as cut flower Yes
Suitable for pots and planters Yes
Type of bulb Orientalis

Other information

  • First loosen the soil well where the flower bulbs will be planted. Then the soil is easier to work with.
  • Dig a hole and make sure it is 2 to 3 times as deep as the height of the hyacinth bulbs.
  • For the distance between the bulbs, make sure it is 2 times the diameter of the bulbs.
  • Plant the flower bulbs in the hole with the pointed side facing up or with the root base facing down.
  • Cover the hyacinth bulbs with soil and water them well.

Pre-orders can be placed from March until the first of August, unlesss otherwise indicated, which will be shipped in the first half of September and delivered latest by October.

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